Petron Plus
The American dream almost always begins with the story of humble beginnings. Petron Plus was one of those humble beginnings. In 1979, Gary Clark, balancing being a husband and a father of three children, began experimenting with different homegrown recipes for a metal lubricant. After ruining four or five of his wife's blenders he finally developed Petron Plus Formula 7. The product underwent rigorous testing at many different third party laboratories. Gary new he had something when after completion of a four ball bearing weld test the employees of the laboratory were buying product as fast as Gary could hand it out. The product initially was most popular with car and racing enthusiasts. Eventually the industrial market saw the profitability of using a product like Petron Plus, to greatly reduce friction thereby reducing operating expenses. Petron Plus is still owned and operated by Gary Clark and his family. With over 450 products ranging from everyday vehicle applications to industrial food applications Petron Plus has what you need.
Limited Friction
Growing up dad always taught us that we never buy new. He explained to us with words and actions that obtaining the skills required to fix something and even create something from a piece of iron is how quality work is done. Whether he was using a lathe, iron worker, or welder there was bound to be a bottle of Petron Plus nearby. He would use the product on nearly everything. It wasn't until my Senior year at the University of Kansas where I studied petroleum engineering that I began to gain interest in this product that seemed so essential to have nearby. In fact, he even gave me a can of Industrial Super Lube before moving into my apartment. So I began studying the product and eventually met with Gary Clark (the inventor), we talked for hours and I could tell his passion for the product was great. After taking the product and doing various unbiased tests I discovered that Petron Plus whooped every product I compared it to! So much so that I had my friends come and see for themselves. Shortly after I decided to make the move to become a distributor. After all, why would someone not buy something that so obviously would be beneficial to them. I'm not a salesman, I'm an engineer. My way of selling something is to let the data and tests do the talking. If you have any questions please don't be afraid to email me.